And when it was said that the promise of Allah was true, and that the Hour, there was no doubt about its (coming)

Monday, March 21, 2011

kristian pls accept this...

ALLAHUAKBAR..kristian(question)..why muslim do not believe jesus was son of the god when he born with don't have a father..answer ; if you believe jesus become son of the god due to born with not having a father so adam is the greatess god compared jesus because he don't have both...
ALLAHUAKBAR....kristian(soalan)...kenapa org islam tidak mempercayai isa adalah anak tuhan sedangkan dia lahir tidak berbapa......Jwapan ; kalau la anda mempercayai isa menjadi anak tuhan disebabkan lahir tidak berbapa jadi adam adalah tuhan yg lebih hebat berbanding isa kerana tidak mempunyai bapa dan ibu.....
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1 comment:

  1. kepada sesiapa yg pandai BI tu...tolong betulkan ayat Bi aku....takut hancur laaa...(+.+)


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