Sunday, April 24, 2011

Berlaku sekali dalam 823 Tahun? Kena Tengok!

Dear readers.

this is real shit. the calendar might look familiar, but wait!

That's July calendar. this July 2011.

Perasan tak yang dalam bulan Julai ni nanti, ade 5 Jumaat, 5 Sabtu dan 5 Ahad!

Bulan ni dipanggil "Money Bags". and this  has been spreaded all over mails, ebing forwarded all over again and also said to be from Chinese feng shui. 
Actually, this is a HOAX! 

So sape2 yang pernah forward mail mcm ni, and expecting to recieve a bags of money, you have been punked! no one's gonna give you just like that! get real you moronic fat face!

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