Monday, August 29, 2011

Siapa Sebenarnya Sitt Al Wuzara


oleh Pendedahan Eksklusif-Siapa Sebenarnya Sitt Al Wuzara pada pada 29hb Ogos 2011 pukul 11.58 ptg
Selama ni arlene kata dia xkenal sitt. Araz tu sapa. Dgn email tu mnjukkn yg 3 ekor tu kenal sitt tp menipu. Cmtu gak dgn puak AMS.dari mula GS join ni sebab nak compare kan mmg sama la findings..cuma kelebihan kat GS kot..checkmate sitt tu..

6 hours ago Kickam Hjh Ttis Arazuwla

Hi Arlene, I wrote this to Araz and I hope you both can understand what really is going on here. I am very concerned because his comments seemed explosive and quick to accuse false claims. I respect your opinions, and I do wish that you can if not respect but at least understand my opinions. I care a ot about your safety. Araz probably think I shouldn't but I really do and I have always been concerned about the safety of murtads. It was one of the main reasons why I started the group to give an avenue for murtads to come together and have a voice in the society and hopefully in the long run to be accepted in malaysia when it comes to legal definition. But anyway. That is something to work on in the long run. So I leave you with this message I wrote to Araz


Hello Araz. I saw your comments in MAFA. It seems that you have changed a lot lately. I don't know what's up but I respect your opinions. I guess people change. And Hey, what can you do.

You know, it is kind of disturbing to me to see how you and Arlene believe that I am promoting hate speech. Have you read my explanation that I wrote in the secret group addressed to you? I hope you understand.

I mean I respect your opinions and you have rights to believe that I spread hate or radicalism. In reality, I don't. I am fighting for the freedom of apostates to not live in fear and intimidation of Islam in Malaysia. If you and Arlene believe this is hate speech, and extreme ideas, then there is nothing more I can do to change your mind.

This issue is very important to me because I care a lot about my fellow murtads who are trapped in Islam in this country. It does not matter what religion one should choose to believe in, but it is extremely important to me that one can leave Islam safely from threat and intimidations of Islam.

I have NEVER in any acoount have promoted any form of hatred, intolerance, or violence against Muslims or any group of people. I do not know what is your definition of extremism and radicalism. But I stand strong with my cause and strictly CONDEMN such extreme ideas. If you think ridiculing Islam is radical and extreme, then I respect your opinions. But I do not believe that ridiculing Islam is extreme.

Muslims choose to be extreme. People who ridicule Islam, people who publicly declare that they are murtads, people who criticize Islam are NOT responsible and should NEVER be hold accountable for the radicalization of Muslims.

Believing Muslims should hold accountable for their actions. I do not hate Muslims, to be clear to you. I just condemn the hatered, intolerance, and violence being taught in Islam. If Muslims cannot peacefully reconcile with murtads to exist, then I respond by ridiculing Islam. If ridiculing Islam is extreme and radical, then you might to have a clear look at yourself as well since your very own existence is also quite an extremist/radical one.

Well, this is getting longer than I intended. I do not mean ill against you or Arlene. When EWO warned you both, he did not mean any ill to you both. In fact, I care a lot about you guys. If I didn't care, I would not have written this to explain. If I didn't care I would not even have to go this far to speak out about rights for aposates to exist in the society.

You might want to take a look at this site and maybe you will gain some insight about why individuals such as myself, Ali Sina, EWO, Wafa Sultan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, etc. dare to come out and speak out against Islam.


This is not an issue of Christianity vs. Islam. This is not an issue of Atheism vs. Islam. In fact it is a concern about Islamic teachings against minorities being inflicted by Islamic injustices and Islamic violations of human rights.

And by human rights this is inclusive of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of embracing individuality.

Have a good week, Araz I wish you well

Makcik Hajjah Sitt Al-Wuzara

6 hours agoKickam Hjh Ttis Arazuwla
P.S. Oh and by the the deleted comments were not because I deleted them. My old profile was removed from Facebook because of the cyberjihadists who mass-reported me. I have never deleted my comments. In fact, I do not believe in censorship and it is one of the issues that strongly believe in as well.

6 hours agoKickam Hjh Ttis Arazuwla
P.S. Oh and by the way, the deleted comments were not because I deleted them. My old profile was removed from Facebook because of the cyberjihadists who mass-reported me. I have never deleted my comments. In fact, I do not believe in censorship and it is one of the issues that strongly believe in as well.

6 hours agoKickam Hjh Ttis Arazuwla
So, the comments disappear because the FB profile was removed.