Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Greatest Man Ever Lived

"Ya Allah selawat dan salam ke atas Nabi Muhammad dan ke atas keluarga Baginda seperti Engkau kurniakan kepada Nabi Ibrahim dan keluarganya. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah Yang Maha Terpuji dan Yang Maha Mulia. Ya Allah, berkatilah ke atas Nabi Muhammad dan ke atas keluarga Baginda seperti telah yang Engkau berkati ke atas Nabi Ibrahim dan keluarganya. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah Yang Maha Terpuji dan Yang Maha Mulia".

Final Messenger of Allah- Muhammad Rasulullah [peace be upon him]

Final Messenger of Allah- Muhammad Rasulullah [peace be upon him]

The Beloved and Final Messenger 
Rasulullah Muhammad 
Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam[peace be upon him]
"We have not sent thee(Muhammad[pbuh]) Except as a Mercy to the Worlds." (Surah 21 Aayat 107)
"Certainly, there is an excellent example for you in the Messenger of Allah, for him who looks forward to Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much." (Quran-33:21)

Muhammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rose like the sun from the horizon of Arabia and dissipated the intense darkness around the globe. His personality embodied the boldness of Mûsa alayhis salâm , the courteousness of Harûn alayhis salâm , the patience of Ayûb alayhis salâm , the grandeur of Sulaiman alayhis salâm and the humility of Isa alayhis salâm. His leadership stands unparalleled in the annals of history. He despised the pomp of royalty, dutifully carried out the menial tasks of the family, he kindled the fire, swept the floor, milked the cows and mended his own shoes and garments.
The Mission of  Muhammad(Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam)

The mission of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam is eloquently portrayed in a speech which Ja'far (radhi allahu anhu) made to the ruler of Abyssinia in Africa. He said :

"O king! We were a people of ignorance, worshiping idols, eating the flesh of dead animals, committing abominations, neglecting our relations, doing evil to our neighbours and the strong amongst us would oppress the weak. We were in this state when Allah Ta'ala sent to us a messenger from amongst us, whose descent and sincerity, trustworthiness and honesty were known to us. He summoned us to the worship of one true Allah and to divest ourselves of the stones and idols which we and our forefathers had been ascribing to Allah. He ordered us to be truthful in speech, to fulfill all that is entrusted to us, to care for our relatives, to be kind to our neighbours, to refrain from unlawful food and the consumption of blood. He forbade us from engaging in shameful acts and false speech..."

The Fundamental Principles Expounded by  Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam at the Farewell Pilgrimage
  1. Belief in one object of worship
  2. Equality of men, irrespective of colour or nationality.
  3. Superiority based solely on piety.
  4. Sanctity of life, property and honour.
  5. Abolition of interest and usury.
  6. The rights and fair treatment of women.
  7. The concept of accountability and personal responsibility.
  8. Importance of the pillars of religion i.e. prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage.
  9. The Qur'ân and sunnah as the only source of salvation.
  10. The obligation of (dawah & tabligh)conveying the message.

The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"None of you has perfect faith until I am more beloved to him than his parents, his children and all the people". 

Importance of Salaat-Salaam (Durood Shareef/ Sending Blessings) 
     "Allah and his angels send blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! Send your blessings on him, and salute him with all respects." (The Holy Quran 56:33)

Abdullah Ibn Abbas Radiallahu anhu reports that Rasulullah (pbuh) said,

   "Whoever recites the following Salaat-Salaam(Durood) once, Allah will instruct the angels to keep writing good  deeds for him for a thousand days."
 Jazallahu annaa muhammadan ma huwa ahluhu
Translation: May Allah reward Muhammad, on our behalf, as much as he deserves. (Hadith recorded in Tabrani)
May Allah bestow us with true and sincere Love of Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam and may Allah give us the strenght and courage to follow the noble and beautiful lifestyle of the the Last & Final Messenger of Allah Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam- Ameen

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